Serving Southern Indiana for over 50 years

Jeffersonville Divorce Modification Lawyer

Assisting You With Your Family's Changing Needs: Clarksville Child Support Modification Lawyer

Over time, your family's needs may change. If your children have gotten old enough to weigh in on where they live, one parent has gotten a significant raise, or your custody arrangements need modifying for any other reason, you should speak to an experienced family law attorney who can advise you of the best way to proceed with a modification.

Established more than 45 years ago, Gabhart Law Offices, PC, has gained a reputation for a high level of integrity, commitment to clients' needs and honest case evaluations. We represent individuals and families in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and throughout southern Indiana in family law matters, including divorce, custody, paternity and modifications.

Why Work With an Attorney for a Modification?

For any type of post-decree modification, it is critical that you work with an attorney. An experienced lawyer will be able to assist you with any challenges that may arise in the courtroom and guide you on the best approach to take. In most instances, a lawyer can help you save time, money and additional stress. We help our clients with modifications, including:

  • Spousal maintenance modifications
  • Child support modifications
  • Child custody modifications

As your children get older, they may have additional needs or needs that require modification. Maybe they are getting ready for college or have become old enough where a modification to child custody is necessary. Either way, we can help you by providing honest and knowledgeable legal advice about your situation.

Contact Paige Gabhart: A Jeffersonville Divorce Modification Attorney

Please contact our law firm at 812-288-8211 or toll free at 812-288-8211 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Gabhart Law Offices, PC
525 East 7th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Phone: 812-288-8211
Toll Free: 812-288-8211
Fax: 812-288-6184

Jeffersonville Law Office

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